Ellon Primary School
Welcome to our school
Welcome to our school
A message from our Head Teacher
A message from our Head Teacher
Welcome to Ellon Primary School!
We're dedicated to creating a nurturing and supportive environment where every child feels safe, happy, and empowered to thrive. At Ellon, we believe in fostering individual skills and talents while promoting social and emotional well-being as the foundation for success. We equip our students with the essential skills to navigate challenges and achieve their full potential.
We deeply value the partnership between parents and staff. Your involvement in your child's education is vital to their journey. We look forward to collaborating with you in the years to come.
Andrew Boulind
Acting Head Teacher
School Information
School Information
Address : Modley Place, Ellon AB41 9BB
Address : Modley Place, Ellon AB41 9BB
Telephone Number : 01358 281090
Telephone Number : 01358 281090
School email : ellon.sch@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
School email : ellon.sch@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Parent Council Email : ellon.sch@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Parent Council Email : ellon.sch@aberdeenshire.gov.uk